Anime 5E v1.2 Now Available
over 3 years ago
– Fri, Jun 11, 2021 at 10:53:53 PM
Hey everyone! Another short update today to let you know that we have updated the Anime 5E core RPG and Pocket Edition to v1.2 on DriveThruRPG. You can download the latest files from your account library there at any time.
This round didn’t have as many corrections as the v1.1, though we did still clarify a few areas. Here’s some brief highlights:
- Mentioned that groups can swap the Psionicist’s spellcasting slot progression with standard 5E progression (Wizards, Clerics, etc.) without breaking balance since the Points are roughly equivalent (page 72)
- Clarified that casual, non-aggressive touching while activating an Attribute is usually possible with Extra Actions - Limiter (page 101)
- Clarified that Minions are usually Classless, but can take a Class for 10 Points + 10/Level (page 108)
- Added the option of expertise in a Skill by assigning the proficiency twice; this allows the character to add double their Proficiency Bonus to Skill checks (page 113)
- Offered the option for Spell-Like Ability to be used multiple times before a long rest, with an increasingly escalating Energy burn (page 120)
- Clarified Reach Weapons to now use an assumed ready action as an interrupt (page 128)
- Removed all non-standard use of the term “disengage” to avoid confusion with the official meaning (page 163)
- Offered the option of increasing damage for some attacks if wielding a one-handed weapon with two hands (page 172)
- Boosted Energy recovery after a short rest to 25% of expended Energy, keeping 100% recovery after long rest (page 176)
There’s still a few weeks before we send the files to press, so if you notice any additional errors or omissions, please report all feedback/errors to us through email directly ([email protected]). Do not post a comment, or contact us through Kickstarter messenger, or through social media – email us directly, please. The conversations on Discord and the Facebook group are helpful for context (so we try to read everything we can), but they difficult to track for simple typo corrections. We have pinned a single thread on the Anime 5E Facebook group to help make this easier to track, though, if you want to post your thoughts there instead. The corrections can be in a single email compilation (preferred, if possible) or through multiple emails as you find errors. Every suggestion will be reviewed and considered, though we may not implement all of them if we are satisfied with the current presentation.
Thanks for all your amazing engagement over the past few weeks. 👍
Updated Files on DriveThruRPG
over 3 years ago
– Thu, Jun 03, 2021 at 11:19:23 PM
Happy June! With over 7,000 backers having downloaded their digital rewards, we have a short update today.
Your typo corrections and text suggestions have been incredibly valuable, and we have made numerous changes to many of the digital files. Most of the edits were minor and didn’t affect usability, while a few others required more clarity or substantial edits. You can always download the latest files from your DriveThruRPG account library at any time.
Bonus Actions, Reactions, and Confusion
Undoubtedly, the biggest text clarification concerned Bonus Actions and Reactions. When we included the Extra Actions Attribute in Anime 5E, we thought that using the familiar “Bonus Action” term would make it easier to understand – yet, the exact opposite happened because we were redefining in an unfamiliar way an already common term. 🤦🏻♂️
In the revised files, we have stopped using the term Bonus Action when we are referring to the Extra Actions Attribute. We are now referring to those additional provided actions as (quite appropriately) “Extra Actions”. Extra Actions still aren’t stackable/multiplicative with 5E Class features like the Fighter’s extra attack ability.
In Anime 5E, the term “Bonus Action” now refers exclusively to its usage with traditional Fifth Edition Classes and spells. If you’re using a Rogue class in your Anime 5E game, for example, you can use their Bonus Action through their Cunning Action feature. If you aren’t using any 5E Classes or spells, though, Bonus Actions do not come into play in Anime 5E.
We didn’t address the concept of reactions at all in Anime 5E (they are similar, yet distinct from a readied action), and we have corrected this. Like Bonus Action, reactions are aligned with Classes, spells, and elements from traditional Fifth Edition aspects only; you can use them when necessary in Anime 5E, but the game doesn’t specifically reference them. They can be replicated in Anime 5E with the Extra Actions Attribute that is assigned a Unique Enhancement (Initiative count not changed when activated) and a Unique Limiter (Activates as a readied reaction only). Modifying the Extra Actions Attribute this way allows characters to make more than one reaction-like action each round.
If you want to review these text sections in the new digital files, content is on pages 101, 159, 162, and 163 for the Anime 5E core RPG and page 157, 255, 261, and 275 for the Pocket Edition.
There’s still a few weeks before we send the files to press, so if you notice any additional errors or omissions, please report all feedback/errors to us through email directly ([email protected]). Do not post a comment, or contact us through Kickstarter messenger, or through social media – email us directly, please. The conversations on Discord and the Facebook group are helpful for context (so we try to read everything we can), but they difficult to track for simple typo corrections. We have pinned a single thread on the Anime 5E Facebook group to help make this easier to track, though, if you want to post your thoughts there instead. The corrections can be in a single email compilation (preferred, if possible) or through multiple emails as you find errors. Every suggestion will be reviewed and considered, though we may not implement all of them if we are satisfied with the current presentation.
Thanks again for your amazing support!
Digital Rewards Fulfilling Today
over 3 years ago
– Mon, May 31, 2021 at 01:57:47 AM
Sorting through all the pledges took a lot longer than expected, but we are now ready to go! We are sending the digital rewards download links from DriveThruRPG TODAY! 🥳
Links will be sent to backers that completed their BackerKit survey in full (and remitted all outstanding fees) by 5 pm EDT yesterday, because that’s when we exported the survey report. Any survey completed after that time will be processed for the next wave of rewards within the week.
If You Didn’t Receive The Download Link
Before anyone reaches out to us to indicate they haven’t received their rewards yet, please read the following carefully:
➡️ The DriveThruRPG emails may take several hours to send since there are so many copies being distributed. The files are also being sent individually, so if you pledged at a higher tier you may receive up to a dozen emails with all the products and stretch goals. You should receive everything in the next 12 hours, though.
➡️ If you didn’t complete your BackerKit survey yet, you won’t receive the email. You can check the status of your survey by clicking on your survey link from the email a couple of weeks ago (or get a new one at
➡️ The download links are sent to the email address on file with Kickstarter and/or BackerKit. This may be different than the email address you use normally. Please check spam filters, too.
➡️ If the emails are sent to an address different than the one you use with your DriveThru account, there’s no problem! The links can be still be used without any problem by logging into your DriveThru account before you click on the links.
➡️ If your Kickstarter email is the same as your DriveThru email, the download links will also conveniently appear in our DriveThru inbox. Once you log into your account, you can retrieve your inbox messages here:
➡️ If you still don’t seem to have all the download link emails after waiting several hours, but you’re confident that you should have them, follow up with us directly at [email protected]. Do not post a comment, or contact us through Kickstarter messenger, or through social media – email us directly, please. We will respond as quickly as we can, though it may not be right away and could be a day or two. We’re working hard to provide the best customer service possible, but there may be a lot of backers that require support.
Helping Improve the Final Print Editions
Although the numerous Anime 5E digital files have been reviewed multiple times, errors will inevitably sneak through. You can help ensure the printed editions are as tight as possible by reporting to us any perceived errors. Every suggestion will be reviewed and considered, though we may not implement all of them if we are satisfied with the current presentation.
Please report all feedback/errors to us through email directly ([email protected]). Do not post a comment, or contact us through Kickstarter messenger, or through social media – email us directly, please.
Here’s the types of feedback we’re searching for:
✅ Rules Clarity – Do you believe some sections of the rules are unclear or require additional explanations? The less-prescribed, open-ended nature of Anime 5E is quite different than traditional Fifth Edition titles (a feature, not a bug!), but omissions can be rectified if necessary for utility.
✅ Copy Editing – Have you notice spelling mistakes, text omissions, incorrect grammatical structures, math errors, or other sections of awkward writing? Please let us know!
Conversely, here are a few comments that aren’t helpful to us since these decisions have been already set:
🚫 That’s Not What D&D Says – Although Anime 5E is based on the standard Fifth Edition framework, it’s not merely D&D. Some rules and options will be different from what you may know, but there’s a method to our design madness! 😱
🚫 British Spelling – Dyskami Publishing is a Canadian company that uses traditional British spelling. Although some readers may find this unfamiliar, our preference will not change.
🚫 Artwork Suggestions – We are thrilled with the talented diversity of artwork presented in the game and believe it to reflect the soul of Anime 5E well. Some art has been adapted from other Dyskami works and may be familiar to you, while other pieces are original to Anime 5E. Since the art for these titles are already set, we aren’t seeking feedback on what you may want replaced or changed.
🚫 Layout or Font Selection – Unless you noice a glaring error in presentation, we are not seeking suggestions concerning the page layouts or font choices in Anime 5E.
We welcome feedback at any time (digital files are easier to edit and push out updated version), but our goal is to have tight files that we send to press in June for delivery to you in fall 2021. Consequently, we are especially interested in early feedback prior to 20 June 2021 to maximum benefit.
Thank you all for for the tremendous support you’ve shown us during the campaign. As they say in business, if you’re unhappy tell us; but if you’re happy, tell your friends. We’d greatly appreciate if you share your Anime 5E thoughts, reviews, builds, and livestreams with your gaming groups and online game communities! Late backers can still join in on the fun at And don’t forget to join our Anime 5E Facebook group ( and Discord server (
Quick DriveThruRPG Tech Support Suggestion
over 3 years ago
– Mon, May 31, 2021 at 01:57:26 AM
Several backers are noticing that when they click on their download link, the DriveThruRPG page is posting the error "Your order has no items!"
This happens because you aren't logged into your DriveThru account. Log in, and then paste the link URL into your browser. That'll do the trick!
If you need further help with your DriveThruRPG account, here's their support link:
PS. Yes, every file works as they should. Many backers have reported no problems at all with PDFs or ZIPs or MP3. If you are encountering problems with your files, the files may not be the issue.
Download File Details, Missing Files, Errata, and Late Surveys
over 3 years ago
– Mon, May 31, 2021 at 01:57:24 AM
Hey, everyone! The first day of digital reward delivery is done, and the response has been tremendous. Your excitement is infectious, and we are thrilled to see all the discussions happening on the Discord server and Anime 5E Facebook group!
Digital Rewards: What Has Been Sent
We thought it would be a good time to outline all the DriveThru files we sent yesterday, and who which pledge tiers. That way, you’ll know what you should have received by now to check if anything is missing.
Backers Pledging for the Previewer tier (and $13+)
- Anime 5E Pocket Edition
- Anime 5E Introductory Primer
- Anime 5E Fillable Character Sheet
- Anime 5E Adventure Scenario: Unrest in Syfia
- Anime 5E Mounts & Monsters (includes 5 mounts, 5 MM monsters, 5 original monsters)
- Anime 5E Pre-Gen Character Pack (includes 18 characters: 6 @ 4th, 6 @ 8th, 6 @ 12th)
- Anime 5E Adventuring Accessories (includes 5 magical artefacts, 5 fantasy mecha, 5 poisons, 5 traps, 5 vehicles, and 5 weapons)
Backers Pledging for the Player tier (and $25+)
- All the above PDFs
- Anime 5E Bonus Character Options (includes 2 races, 2 classes, 2 organisations)
Backers Pledging for the Explorer tier (and $25+)
- All the above, except you’ll receive the Anime 5E Core RPG instead of the Pocket Edition
Backers Pledging for the Gamer tier (and $50+)
- Everything included in the Explorer tier
Backers Pledging for the Collector tier (and $100+)
- Everything included in the Explorer tier
- Anime 5E Adventure Scenario: Aggro Hell Hounds
- Anime 5E Adventure Scenario: Shades of Grey
- Anime 5E Print & Play Paper Miniatures
- Anime RPG Soundtrack
- BESM Naked RPG
Backers Pledging for the Adventurer tier (and $100+)
- Everything included in the Collector tier
- Anime 5E Pocket Edition
- Anime 5E Game Screen and Adventure
- Anime 5E Character Folio
- Anime 5E Game Screen Adventure Pre-Gens
Backers Pledging for the Storyteller tier (and $300+)
- Everything included in the Adventurer tier
Additionally backers adding on the Anime 5E Game Screen separately will also receive the Game Screen Adventure Pre-Gens. If you added on other individual products, you’ll receive what’s available for that product (read the entry descriptions at for specific details).
Help! I’m Missing Some Files!
We want to ensure you receive everything that comes with you pledge. If you think you’re missing something, please read Update #58 and Update #59 first. Do not skip this step! Those two updates provide explicit troubleshooting instructions that will save everyone time. Read the comments for those updates as well, because some backers have posted additional helpful advice. DriveThruRPG can be finicky, but with patience you can sort out most problems yourself.
If you do need to contact us, you must be explicit with your request for assistance. An email that says “I haven’t receive my files yet!” doesn’t help us help you. If you received download links that don’t seem to be working, forward that email onto us and we’ll take a look at it. The more detailed your help request, the better we are able to help you within a reasonable time frame (though it could still take a day or two to hear from us).
Anime 5E Errata
We asked you for help spotting typos and clarity issues, and you’ve been delivering! From hilarious word replacements (“Cattle Technique”), to missing or extra letters/words, to terminology concerns (“Bonus Action” is something we need to review) – your comments have been very helpful. One of the goals of rolling out the product PDFs in this way is to ensure the printed books will be as flawless as possible when they are sent to press near the end of June.
We won’t be updating the PDFs with every single error correction, but we will do so once we’ve had a chance to compile a host of changes. You’ll be able to re-download the most up-to-date file at any time. If there are significant changes, we’ll highlight them in a Kickstarter update as well. An official “errata compilation” won’t start until the books are in print, since we can make digital changes until then.
A reminder: Please report all feedback/errors to us through email directly ([email protected]). Do not post a comment, or contact us through Kickstarter messenger, or through social media – email us directly, please. The conversations on Discord and the Facebook group are helpful for context (so we try to read everything we can), but they difficult to track for simple typo corrections. We have pinned a single thread on the Anime 5E Facebook group to help make this easier to track, though, if you want to post your thoughts there instead. The corrections can be in a single email compilation (preferred, if possible) or through multiple emails as you find errors. Every suggestion will be reviewed and considered, though we may not implement all of them if we are satisfied with the current presentation.
Late Surveys: When Will Rewards Be Sent
Navigating the BackerKit reporting system is challenging and we are still experimenting with the best way to send PDF download links to later backers and to those who fill out the BackerKit survey after the initial Friday, May 28th cutoff.
We won’t be sending out download links every hour, or even every day. But we will send them out irregularly every few days. Please don’t complete your survey or pre-order and then ask, “When will I receive my files?” They will be coming within a few days; if a week goes by and you receive nothing after you completed your survey/payment, drop us a detailed email at [email protected] and we will investigate.
Finally, this is a reminder that a number of backers are still having credit card charging issues that need to be resolved before your BackerKit survey is complete. Until this is done, you will not receive your digital rewards. Details about troubleshooting credit cards, and our irregular charging schedule, can be found in Update #55. Please read this update in detail before reaching out to us for assistance. If you do contact us, please do so through email ([email protected]) and be explicit with your backer details.
That’s all for today! We hope you are enjoying the exclusive early digital access. Be sure to spread the word, too. 🥳