Is Anime 5E a new edition of BESM d20?
While it’s true that Anime 5E can be viewed as the “spiritual successor” to Guardians of Order’s BESM d20, Anime 5E is a new standalone game. When physically comparing the two games, it’s clear that they are quite different – Anime 5E has nearly twice the page count as BESM d20, and thus substantially more material. Anime 5E is based on the Fifth Edition ruleset under the Open Gaming License, whereas BESM d20 was a v3.0/3.5 implementation that required the PHB/DMG to play. Furthermore, Anime 5E is a focusses extension of the fantasy setting and genre from Fifth Edition, rather than trying to be the multi-genre implementation that BESM d20 emulated. Anime 5E presents a reimagined approach to the Fifth Edition role-playing system, featuring a balanced, point-based and effects-based framework that unleashes player creativity so they can construct anime-inspired characters and adventures that align with their vision. Anime 5E is a complete game that fully integrates with Fifth Edition, yet is perfectly happy to stand alone on the gaming table as well. Objectively on every measure, Anime 5E is far superior to BESM d20 – and this comes from Mark MacKinnon, who wrote both games!
Last updated: March 30, 2021 09:16
Is Anime 5E just a conversion of BESM Fourth Edition?
That’s an overly broad assumption, but it’s not entirely inaccurate. Anime 5E takes the point-based Attribute/power system from the latest BESM edition and modifies it to closely conform and integrate with the Fifth Edition class-levelling system. BESM isn’t shoehorned into Fifth Edition, but rather reconstructed and reimagined as a flexible extension of class features and abilities. Fifth Edition races, classes, spells, features, and monsters can be used exactly as they are in an Anime 5E game – or modified to more closely resemble the Anime 5E presentation – because Anime 5E is, without a double, a Fifth Edition game. This is not merely BESM with a converted system.
Last updated: March 30, 2021 09:16
If this is an OGL product, do I need the PHB/DMG/MM to play?
Not at all. Anime 5E is a complete self-contained game that does not require any other game books to play. Of course, we know that many people interested in Anime 5E are already familiar with the Fifth Edition – it is the “world’s most popular role-playing game” after all! And the countless Fifth Edition books from WotC and numerous third-party publishers can integrate with Anime 5E and provide a wealth of expanded gaming options.
Last updated: March 30, 2021 09:16
Anime 5E is described as “effects-based” Fifth Edition. What does that mean?
The standard Fifth Edition fantasy RPG is a powers-based system – character abilities are prescribed as stemming from a particular power sources such as magical ability, racial heritage, or class training. Conversely, Anime 5E introduces an effects-based system to the game. This means that the game rules provides the effects or outcome of an ability, and the players and DM define the specific application of those effects. For example, a character might achieve the capabilities of flight using: wings, magic, anti-gravity fields, psionics, force of will, reality- warping techniques, thermal riding, or many other methods. Similarly, a weapon inflicts damage that could take the form of a near-infinite number of sources, such as physical trauma, fire, electricity, cold, acid, mental, poison, etc. Adding an effects-based lens to character abilities in 5E provides a new and dynamic perspective to the game, without requiring multiple duplicate options that merely have different descriptions (yet similar effects).
Last updated: March 30, 2021 09:16
How is Anime 5E an anime game? Can’t any game be an anime game?
That’s a great question, and one that has always been the top priority in our conceptualisation of anime role-playing games. Since RPGs are primarily collective exercises of the mind, players can of course use any game system to create their own versions of anime adventures. Although Anime 5E can be integrated with any standard high-fantasy Fifth Edition gaming campaign, the races, classes, options, and new rules present a game that evokes the best in fantasy anime and manga series. The artwork sets a strong visual tone, naturally, and Anime 5E features some spectacular pieces by extremely talented illustrators. Also, some story and character elements that are common in anime and manga – but are not as common in Tolkien-esque high-fantasy settings – provide additional flavour, such as pet monster duels, characters that attract a swarm of admirers, incredible gravity-defying leaps, thunderous bare-knuckle punches, and more. Finally, Anime 5E provides excellent guidance for playing and running campaigns to help you create an evocative anime-style flavour in your adventures.
Last updated: March 30, 2021 09:16
What if I want the $100 Adventurer pledge (which has everything) but want the regular core Anime 5E book upgraded to the Deluxe Limited Edition?
Kickstarter referral links:
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You have a couple of ways of accomplishing this. You could pledge for the deluxe edition ($100 Collector) and then add on the other items you want. Or you can pledge for the Adventurer and increase your pledge by the $50 difference in cost between the regular ($50) and deluxe editions ($100). We will then give you the option of upgrading your regular edition to deluxe in the BackerKit survey at the end.
Last updated: March 30, 2021 09:22
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BackerKit is a service that crowdfunded project creators use to keep track of hundreds to tens of thousands of backers—from shipping details, pledge levels, preferences and quantities, whether they have paid or had their card declined, special notes, and everything in between!
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How does BackerKit work?
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BackerKit allows you to update your shipping address until the shipping addresses are locked by the project creator. To update your address, go back to your BackerKit survey by inputting your email here.
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That is handled directly by the project creator. BackerKit functions independently of the project itself, so we do not have control of their physical shipping timeline. If you want to check on the project’s status, we recommend reading over the project's updates page.
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As BackerKit does not actually handle any rewards or shipping, the best way to stay updated on the shipping timeline would be to check out the project's updates page.