Anime 5E – Fifth Edition Fantasy Role-Playing Reimagined
Created by Dyskami Publishing
Unleash your anime and manga fantasy adventures with a balanced, point-based approach to the world's most popular Fifth Edition RPG!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
BackerKit Smoke Test Begins!
over 3 years ago
– Tue, May 18, 2021 at 12:37:55 AM
Great News, Backers!
We have been working with BackerKit to get the surveys ready, and we are starting the process today (May 17th). Following their guidelines, the survey email (likely coming from [email protected] or a variation) will first be sent to a small random selection of backer as part of a “smoke test” to ensure everything is running smoothly with the process. Only this group of backers will receive this initial survey today, so don’t worry if your pledge isn’t selected. If you do receive it, it would be very helpful if you could complete your pledge promptly so we can verify that the process is running smoothly. If you have any important feedback regarding the smoke test survey, please reach out to us at [email protected] and we can investigate before opening the surveys more widely.
Within a couple of days if everything runs without problems, the survey will be sent to all remaining backers. We will post another update here when that is happening, so please be patient until then. We will also open the pre-order site for late pledges at the same time, since we know that several people wanted to back the Kickstarter but couldn’t do so while it was running for a variety of reasons.
The First Wave of Digital Rewards
If you want to be amongst the first wave of backers to receive your Anime 5E digital PDF, it is vital that you complete your BackerKit survey no later than Thursday, May 27th. Our plan is to then send out the first wave of DriveThruRPG download links on Friday/Saturday, May 28th/29th.
If you do not complete your survey by Thursday, May 27th, you will not receive your digital rewards in this first wave.
Further Waves
Every week (and then later, two-week) period moving forward from the end of May, we will compile all the late surveys received and process the digital pledge rewards at that time. We will only send out download PDF codes to late backers in these weekly or bi-weekly waves, not daily as they come in. In other words, if you want your digital pledge rewards as soon as possible, please don’t delay completing the survey please.
Anime 5E Dice Tower Sneak Peek
We recently received the illustration files for the Anime 5E Dice Tower add-on from the talented Chabibit. We printed them in the office on regular (flimsy) paper, cut along the dielines, and constructed a mini-tower. Of course, the final version will reflect higher print quality on sturdy cardboard, but we wanted to give you a first-look at the draft construction of our wizard’s tower. It’s so kawaii! ☺️
We’ll be in touch in a couple of days when the BackerKit survey is ready for wide distribution!
17-Day Progress Report
over 3 years ago
– Tue, May 11, 2021 at 02:16:09 AM
If things proceed as planned (fingers crossed) sometime in the Friday-Monday (May 14th-17th) timeframe we will begin the process of sending out BackerKit surveys. Following BackerKit guidelines, this will initially be a limited “smoke test” only, sent to 5% of the backers so we can catch any errors or unexpected issues that arise. Within a few days afterwards, we can begin distribution the BackerKit surveys widely to everyone and open up late pledge options as well.
We’ll provide more timeline details when it’s available from BackerKit, so please remain patient and stay tuned.
Stretch Goal Sneak Peek
Since you seemed to enjoy the brief glimpses we provided in the last sneak peek, we thought we’d tease a few more here since many will be ready to send out with the PDF bundles.
Magical Items: Crown of Irresistible Command, Investigators’ Bane Manteau
Traps: Dampener, State Shifter
Mecha: Exosuit, Protector Guardian V
Mounts: Phase Griffon, Riding Elk
Vehicles: Sky Galleon, Tracked Piercer
Weapons: Reality Club, Rapture Blade
Poisons: Ice Nettle Milk, Searing Fiend Blood
Extra 5E Monsters: Basilisk, Roc
New Anime 5E Monsters: Beastwalker, Greater Yurei
Work continues daily on the Anime 5E stretch goals. Until the next update, enjoy your week!
10-Day Progress Report
over 3 years ago
– Mon, May 03, 2021 at 09:20:41 PM
Happy Monday! Here’s a quick summary of our 10-day progress report.
Current BackerKit Projection: Mid-May
We anticipate that the original timeline for sending the BackerKit survey is delayed by approximately one week until mid-May. There are some back-end administration details that have pushed the survey back slightly, but only by a little. We are still aiming to have the PDF pledges delivered to you by the end of May – provided you have completed the BackerKit survey promptly when it is available, of course.
We will certainly post an update the moment we know when the survey will be sent out, so if you haven’t received an update here yet then the survey have not yet available to you.
With the survey, you can:
Confirm or change your pledge tier
Top up your pledge funds to select one or more add-on products
Remit shipping fees for any physical rewards in your pledge
Provide your mailing address for shipping physical rewards
Update your email address for delivery of PDFs through your DriveThruRPG account
If you have any questions about your pledge, please contact Dyskami Publishing at [email protected]. This is better than posting in the Kickstarter comments section or Kickstarter message button – email us directly, please.
Late Pledges
We know that during this crazy time, not everyone was able to complete a pledge during the Anime 5E Kickstarter campaign. Once the BackerKit survey is released, we will be offering a late pledge option for those that unfortunately missed the campaign or were dropped due to credit card processing errors. An announcement with further details will be released at that time as well.
Stretch Goal Sneak Peek
We have continued making excellent progress on the stretch goals, and expect to have a selection of them ready for delivery with fulfilment of the PDF rewards. Though it’s too early to provide details, here’s a sneak peek at a few titles to whet your appetite:
Character Pre-Gens: Archfiend Magical Girl (30-feet tall!), Hill Dwarf Samurai, Slime Isekai Student
Classes: Mindmancer (specialises in mind control), Simulake (mimics the powers of others)
Magical Items: Wondrous Machine of Eternal Wealth, Helm of Practical Knowledge
Poisons: Putrid Shale Fungi Spores, Blinkbeast Bile
Extra 5E Monsters: Displacer Beast, Balor
New Anime 5E Monsters: Fiendish Blade Orb, Minor Dungeon Boss
Official Anime 5E Discord Server
As mentioned in Update #49, we have expanded our Discord offerings and created a new Dyskami RPG Community Discord Server. We’ve already had hundreds of Anime 5E backers join the community, and we’d love to see you there too! Along with the Anime 5E Facebook group, there are several excellent resources where you can connect with other players and DMs to engage on Anime 5E ideas.
Thanks for your patience as we work to deliver the best Anime 5E products that we can! Enjoy your week!
First Post-Weekend Progress Report
over 3 years ago
– Tue, Apr 27, 2021 at 04:51:17 AM
Hey, backers! We hope you all had a great weekend. Nothing overly dramatic in this update, just a short progress update.
Declined Pledge Funding
Kickstarter successfully charged the credit cards for the vast majority of pledges last Thursday. If your card charge was declined for whatever reason, Kickstarter would have sent you one or two emails by now notifying you that your card information requires updating on their system.
Unsuccessful backers: Kickstarter grants one full week to resolve all payment issues before the platform drops you from the campaign. Until Thursday, April 29th, you can log in to your Kickstarter account and click the “Fix payment” button in the banner at the top of your screen. On the next page, click the “Retry your payment” button to retry or update your pledge with a different card. Kickstarter will automatically retry to charge declined cards once on April 29th, unless you’ve already fixed the problem. For Kickstarter support, visit
Stretch Goal Progress
Although the funding campaign is over, we haven’t been idle over the weekend. Rather, editing on the core rules continues and we have been making solid progress on several stretch goals. We have contracted a composer/conductor for the Anime 5E soundtrack, have statted out portions for several of the PDF extras (traps, mecha, vehicles, races, classes, pre-gen characters, etc.), and have hired the illustrator for the Dice Tower add-on. We should be in the position to fulfil some of the stretch goals when download links to the PDF rewards are emailed by mid-May.
Official Anime 5E Discord Server
We have absorbed the existing (and beloved) Tri-Stat System Fan Discord Server into our company admin, and have expanded it to provide a community place for Anime 5E gamers to discuss the game as well. The new Dyskami RPG Community Discord Server is available through an open invite link:
Along with the Anime 5E Facebook group (, there are several excellent resources where you can connect with other players and DMs to engage on Anime 5E ideas.
BackerKit Survey In Early May
During the first week or so of May, we will post an update letting you know when we are sending the BackerKit survey to complete your pledge. Until then, there’s nothing more you need to do (unless your pledge funding was declined on Kickstarter; see above).
With the BackerKit survey, you can:
Confirm or change your pledge tier
Top up your pledge funds to select one or more add-on products
Remit shipping fees for any physical rewards in your pledge
Provide your mailing address for shipping physical rewards
Update your email address for delivery of PDFs through your DriveThruRPG account
Late Pledges
We know that during this crazy time, not everyone was able to complete a pledge during the Anime 5E Kickstarter campaign. In the coming weeks, we will be offering a late pledge option for those that unfortunately missed the Anime 5E Kickstarter. An announcement with further details will be released at that time.
Thanks for sticking with us! We will check in later this week.
over 3 years ago
– Fri, Apr 23, 2021 at 02:31:51 AM
What a tremendous Kickstarter campaign!
On behalf of the entire Dyskami Publishing and Japanime Games crew, we want to express our sincerest thanks for the tremendous support you have shown to us throughout this entire 23-day campaign.
$608,702 pledged by 8,073 backers – claiming the #21 (dollars) and #13 (backers) all-time spots for role-playing game Kickstarters 🤯
You unlocked every single stretch goal that we challenged you with – all 40 of them! 😱
We are so very grateful for what we hope is the start of a wonderful Anime 5E community. YOU made this happen. THANK YOU. ☺️
Please remember to read Update #46 carefully and refer to it anytime you have any questions about Kickstarter/BackerKit/pledge delivery timing. Keep an eye on your emails from Kickstarter about your account to ensure your pledge was processed without issues.
We’ll keep communication flowing through Kickstarter updates in the coming days, weeks, and months – until you hold your pledged rewards in your hands.
Until then, thank you once again, and goodnight. 🌙😴