Anime 5E – Fifth Edition Fantasy Role-Playing Reimagined
Created by Dyskami Publishing
Unleash your anime and manga fantasy adventures with a balanced, point-based approach to the world's most popular Fifth Edition RPG!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Exciting New Year’s Message
about 3 years ago
– Mon, Jan 03, 2022 at 11:28:18 PM
Happy New Year, everyone!
Let’s get to the exciting news: the second half of our Anime 5E products will be shipping from the factory next week! This means that we are one important step closer to fulfilling your physical pledges because all the books and expansions will be en route to our warehouses.
As we outlined in Update #71, there are still many potential delay points before you are holding Anime 5E in your hands – but we are thrilled to finally have some solid progress. When we get closer to release we’ll do a final call for address revisions, but for now we thank you for your continued patience and support.
Future Anime 5E Release Plans
Designer Mark MacKinnon talks about Dyskami’s 2022 plans for Anime 5E and our other game lines in his New Year’s video that looks back at 2021 and ahead to 2022, so be sure to tune in.
IMPORTANT REPEAT: Contacting Dyskami for Support
If you have any questions about any aspects relating to this Kickstarter, please email [email protected] directly with as much detail as you can. This will allow us to address your situation quickly and efficiently. Please do not send us Kickstarter messages, or post in the campaign comments section, or post on social media. If you have issues that you want us to address, [email protected] is always the best way to reach us.
Contact us for matters such as:
You need to update your shipping address (you can send it directly to our email)
Your credit card is rejected by BackerKit and you need to remit payments through PayPal instead
You haven’t received your PDF download codes from DriveThruRPG
Finally! A Shipping Update!
about 3 years ago
– Wed, Dec 08, 2021 at 02:22:29 AM
In our last campaign update six weeks ago, we had said about the status of physical product shipments: “When we know, you'll know.” Finally, we have some news to share. 🥳
After working with numerous freight brokers and getting nowhere, we have finally found a results-focussed company who has booked cargo passage for half of our product from the factory in China to our three distribution warehouses (US, Europe, Australia). Deals are signed, and some of the Anime 5E products will begin moving at the end of next week. The brokers are still working to book cargo space for the other half of our products, which are shipping from a different factory. Unfortunately, we need products from both factories to arrive in our distribution warehouses before we can begin fulfilment; half the cargo is a great first step, but we need that second step too.
To say that this multi-month process has been frustrating is an understatement. We are encouraged by the recent good news, though, even if freight prices are 400% what we had expected when we started this process in the spring. While the delays to book cargo space seem to be coming to an end, the journey is far from over, though.
Here are the potential next steps and possible delay points:
Second half of our product freight is booked, but we don’t know when
Ocean transit time (roughly a month) shouldn’t experience any delays
Ship may wait weeks before it can unload in destination port
Customs may delay release of products once unloaded
Cargo may wait for ground transportation to pick up and deliver
Processing many thousands of orders will take time
Consequently, we can’t reasonably provide an accurate estimation when physical products will be in backers’ hands. There are many steps between now and reward receipt, with so many potential delay opportunities.
Thank you everyone for your ongoing patience. We’ll be in touch when we have additional details.
IMPORTANT: Contacting Dyskami for Support
If you have any questions about any aspects relating to this Kickstarter, please email [email protected] directly with as much detail as you can. This will allow us to address your situation quickly and efficiently. Please do not send us Kickstarter messages, or post in the campaign comments section, or post on social media. If you have issues that you want us to address, [email protected] is always the best way to reach us.
Contact us for matters such as:
You need to update your shipping address (you can send it directly to our email)
Your credit card is rejected by BackerKit and you need to remit payments through PayPal instead
You haven’t received your PDF download codes from DriveThruRPG
Another Anime 5E Shipping Update
about 3 years ago
– Tue, Oct 26, 2021 at 04:55:03 AM
Happy October, backers! If you read our previous September Update #69, you’ll already know that we have been experiencing fulfilment delays of physical rewards.
The Anime 5E line has been finished printing and has been sitting at the factories in China from one to two months (below are photos of press samples, which look spectacular). Our freight broker has tried repeatedly to get our games on a cargo vessel with no success because there just isn't any room available. We've been told "hopefully soon now" so many times we've lost count. Once the game is on a ship and on it's way, it will unfortunately still be several more months until the products are in customer hands. We are hoping that spring 2022 remains a possibility.
tl;dr We don't have any reliable updates to share. When we know, you'll know. It's incredibly frustrating for those who are awaiting your pre-orders, and we are sorry for the extended delay. Thank you so very much for your patience and understanding.
PS. Don't forget:
Complete your BackerKit survey ASAP if you haven’t already
If your credit card it rejected, contact [email protected] to pay via PayPal
Change your shipping address by emailing your new one to [email protected]
Yes, there will be ample time to change your address prior to shipping – we’ll give lots of notice
Anime 5E Shipping Update and VTT Progress
over 3 years ago
– Fri, Sep 03, 2021 at 02:14:12 PM
Happy September, backers! It’s been a while since we checked in, so we thought a September update was a good idea since we have important news to share.
Production Update
Production is going well with the numerous factories we are using. Printing on a wide range of physical materials (paper for books, cardboard for tower, neoprene for trays, acrylic for dice) means that we need to source production from multiple suppliers. Not everything will be completed at the same time, naturally, but everything is looking great so far. We’d even go so far as to say spectacular from the proofs we’ve seen (see previous updates for a few photos).
Shipping Update
Unfortunately, we don’t have good news on this front. Although we distributed the Anime 5E PDF copies on schedule in May as promised, delivery of the printed products will be delayed. When we created this campaign, we posted under the Risk and Challenges section: “Unanticipated COVID-19 pandemic restrictions may result in some delay, though we hope that worldwide vaccination initiatives help control this unpredictable element.”
It looks like the worst has come through, with the Delta variant playing havoc on worldwide shipping schedules. There’s delays at the origin ports in China due to a lack of shipping containers (there are tens of thousands waiting on ships to unload) and shortage of workers, delays at the US and international docking ports due to a shortage of workers, and delays at customs due to … wait for it … a shortage of workers. Not only has shipping costs gone up roughly 500% compared to freight costs from a year ago, but the capacity limitations at receiving ports means worldwide shipping is in for a bumpy ride.
If you’re interested in reading more, here’s an eye-opening article about the record-breaking backlog of container ships waiting to dock in California (as you can see from the photo above). tl;dr There are currently 44 ships awaiting entry (over one week on average) into California ports, when there are normally only zero or one waiting.
So what does this mean for physical shipping of your Anime 5E rewards? We have been told by our factories, freight broker, and publishing industry peers that we most likely will have shipping delayed until January or February 2022 if the worldwide goods movement situation doesn’t improve dramatically. Looking at the rising COVID-19 cases and subsequent labour disruptions this causes, the prospect of such an improvement is slight.
We hate to be bearing such bad news – especially since these problems are out of our hands and there is nothing we can feasibly do to accelerate the timeline. We are anxious to deliver your physical Anime 5E rewards, and will do so as soon as possible. Until you receive them, we hope you will enjoy the PDF rewards and digital stretch goals.
Virtual Tabletop (VTT) Update
We are still in the research phase of our VTT development for Roll20 to ensure we will be fully informed once we work to find a developer (since we can’t do this ourselves). It’s going slower than we would like, but we remain committed to porting Anime 5E to virtual platforms. That said, an exciting new opportunity presented itself recently and we are happy to release the news.
The wonderful owners at Fantasy Grounds reached out to us recently to express interest in bringing Anime 5E to their VTT platform. They took the time to explain how Anime 5E would work on their platform and how its substantial user base will benefit from an integrated Fifth Edition module. We were impressed by Fantasy Ground’s initiative, and have signed on with them as the first Anime 5E supported VTT.
We expected to work with Roll20 initially and other VTTs afterwards, but this was too convenient an opportunity to pass by. Fantasy Grounds will be searching in their development community for a programmer to create the Anime 5E module and then work will begin. If everything proceeds well, Anime 5E may be supported on Fantasy Grounds before the end of the year, or early in 2022.
We are still eager to proceed with Anime 5E support on Roll20 and other VTTs that are welcoming to the game, though a timeline is not currently set. We will provide additional information when we have it. In other words, if we haven’t posted an update about it, there is no updated information available.
That’s all for now. Thank you again for your continued support. Stay safe!
Complete your BackerKit survey ASAP if you haven’t already
If your credit card it rejected, contact [email protected] to pay via PayPal
Change your shipping address by emailing your new one to [email protected]
More Press Proofs and Kickstarter Update
over 3 years ago
– Fri, Aug 06, 2021 at 11:31:58 AM
Good morning, backers! Things have been proceeding smoothly during Anime 5E printing and the results we’ve seen so far are impressive. We showed you some prints and the white dummy mockups in our last update, and today we have a photo of some printed press proof sheets that we approved for the DM screen, dice tower (both printed form and constructed white dummy), dice box, and dice trays.
Based on the anticipated production timelines, we are still estimating a November shipping date for backers; we’ll provide additional information when we have it.